Wednesday, April 25, 2012

cinnamon yogurt

As you know, I do not eat dairy. But that doesn't mean that I miss out on creamy treats and desserts. I've put together this yogurt/pudding recipe that is delicious!

Almond milk is rich in calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. It has fewer calories and less fat than regular milk and it is an all-natural and clean food.

Chia seeds are an amazing source of Omega-3 and they help regulate your blood sugar. They are also incredibly hydrating, they help prevent diverticulitis, and they will keep you energized throughout the day. The Indians would munch on these in the wilderness all day for sustanance. These tiny seeds pack a huge punch - they expand to 10 times their size in liquid. Eat em up!

I'm a huge fan of cinnamon and add it to whatever I can. Did you know that cinnamon is great for your body, too? It helps sooth arthritis pain, boosts your mental function, and fights bacteria in our food and bodies. It has even been proven to reduce the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

Adding chia seeds and cinnamon to almond milk is an easy way to create a thick, creamy yogurt. This yogurt is easy to make and much more nutritious than anything you can buy at the grocery store.

creamy cinnamon yogurt:
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup almond milk
3-4 tbsp. chia seeds
2 tsp. cinnamon

Blend all ingredients in your Vitamix until thick and creamy. Serve immediately, or leave in the refridgerator overnight. The more you let it sit, the more it will thicken. This yogurt will last in your fridge for about 5 days. I topped with blueberries, a drizzle of honey, and more cinnamon.


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